A new step made toward the benefit of Sekler products

A new step made toward the benefit of Sekler products

A new step made toward the benefit of Sekler products

‘Treat with special attention those agricultural products, which are specifically made by using traditional ingredients and processed as it is peculiar for the given region’. This idea is emphasized in the amendment submitted by Mr. Csaba Borboly, president of Harghita County Council on the 106th plenary session of the Committee of the Regions, organized on 2nd of April in Brussels. The president of Harghita County Council, as member of the Committee of the Regions submitted the above mentioned amendment in the field of measures concerning the information dissemination and promotion of agricultural products on internal market and in third countries.
In comparison with the ordinary agricultural products, those based on traditional methods of preparation and processing carry an added value since their impact on factors, such as environment, health, community, culture and employment is very significant. Their direct impact on local and regional food economy is clearly visible. Thereupon, a special attention has to be called on the promotion of those products in internal market and in third countries, since according to Mr. Csaba Borboly the draft opinion of the Committee of the Regions on agricultural products does not put enough attention on agricultural products based on traditional methods of processing.
The promotion of traditional products peculiar for a given region, on the internal market would highly foster the European producers in their endeavor to overcome the challenges triggered by globalization of markets, in order to be able to keep their competitiveness up. Also in Harghita County the large hypermarket chains are squeezing out the small producers from the market. Thus, several local producers are forced to fight for their living. This is mainly caused by the fact that the consumers tackle with privilege the products offered by such hypermarkets, produced in series, and being slightly cheaper in opposite to the good quality, locally made and healthy products. For this very reason, aiming to contribute to the endeavor of European producers to be competitive against large hypermarket chains,  Mr. Csaba Borboly recommends  that, beside the products made in bio-farms, the promotion of those recognized quality products should be supported as well, which are produced in traditional and regional farms also.
In order to offer support and provide help for local producers, Harghita County Council has launched the Sekler product movement, within the framework of which traditional fairs of local and traditional products are organized in each month in more settlements of the county, accordingly providing the opportunity for local producers to present and sell their products, as well as for the population to buy and consume healthy and local products.
As Mr. Csaba Borboly claimed ‘there is need for raising the awareness on the local products and producers also on the level of the European Union, as well as it is also important that legal framework and legislation to be beside realizing their activities’.
The county council president also offered an interview for Harghita Studio on this occasion which may be viewed by those interested at the following link: http://youtu.be/EIPjbp82du0 .
The president of Harghita County Council is the permanent member of the Committee of the Regions since October of 2012. Moreover, he is member of the Commissions for Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE) and for Education, Youth and Research (EDUC) of the Committee of the Regions, and he takes part in the related meetings as being the member of the Group of the European People’s Party (EPP Group) as well. For those interested in the activity of the county council president in the Committee of the Regions, further information may be found at http://www.borbolycsaba.ro/en/committe-of-the-regions/.

Miercurea Ciuc, 2nd of April 2014

Zsolt Iochom

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